Mr. Rochester Trophy) Frank Siracuse, one
of our original members and one of the strongest men in the world, died following a heart attack in 1979.
Frank wasa close friend and we miss him dearly. Tony Schlitscy died in
1993 from complications after a kidney transplant. Tony was a long time
gym member and was one of the finest amateur bodybuilding photographers in Rochester. He, too, is missed by all of us at
the gym. A plaque (also known as the Mr. Rochester trophy) bearing their
names and photos hangs in our gym, listing all of the previous Mr. Rochester
winners back to it's inception in 1952. This list is a who's who of Rochester bodybuilding:
1952 Bob Marlowe 1953 Anthony Silipini 1954 Anthony Costanza 1955 John McBride 1956 Carl Lonobile 1957 Sil Lefebvre 1958 Larry Alligood 1959 John Bovaird 1960 John Strutz 1964 Don Kahes 1965 Paul Major 1966 George Grana 1967 Gary Brent 1968 Peter Grvmkowski 1969 Joseph Paladino Jr. 1970 Danny Padilla 1971 Robert Gillett 1972 Sal Kroll 1973 Frank Marciano 1974 J .C. Howard 1975 Joe Vazzana 1976 Stan Bliss 1977 Joe McCann 1978 Joe Fustor 1979 Wayne Hammonds 1980 Rick Porcelli 1981 Lou Poggi 1982 Rick Benedetto 1983 Eddie Hammonds 1984 Lou Dovidio 1985
Chris Brescia
1986 John DiMartino 1987 Gary Salvati 1988 Robert Streicher 1989 Greg Egan 1990 Don McLcod 1991 Mark Natalie 1992 Jaya Eiger 1993 Tony Natalie 1994 Al Molick 1995 Rick Dufoe 1996
Mark Siverd 1997 Jared Oswald 1998
Albert Nash 1999 George Farah 2000
Tom Corcoran 2001 Sebastian Zona 2002
Mark Kring 2003 Demetrius Davis 2004
Joe Reisman 2005 Mike Guzda 2006
Ben White 2007 Victor Dean 2008 Brian Yersky 2009
Nate Steiger 2010 Tony Friedrich III 2011
Mike Pariso 2012 Dan DeGeorge 2013
J. C. Ballivan 2014 Matt Salamone